New 3D Model of the Boldt Castle


Original Boldt Castle Power House, NY

For my first OBDF 210 assignment, I decided to create a realistic 3D model of a castle, inspired by the Boldt Castle Power House in New York. I chose to replicate this castle from the year 1900 because I found the design simple yet charming. 
I also felt that the form would allow me to practice multiple commands in Rhino 7 that I hadn't used in a while such as Rotate3D, ArrayCrv, BooleanDifference, BooleanSplit, Loft, etc.

Render of the castle with added background elements, custom light, and sunlight

Successes & Challenges
Basic render of the castle 

Since I hadn't practiced my Rhino skills in about a month, I met a few challenges with the construction of the castle. I initially struggled to make organic textures that matched the reference. I spent a lot of time fine-tuning the colours and patterns of the stone walls, wood shingles, and glass windows. I also spent a lot of time adjusting the render lighting setups to create a fairly natural directional light.

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