My First Grasshopper Definition

Pattern created using Grasshopper definition

This week, I watched David Rutten's tutorials for beginning in Grasshopper. I learned  how to use definitions to generate a variety of curved forms. While I saw the tutorials, I followed along in grasshopper and created my own designs. 

Below are some screenshots of the designs I made during the tutorials:

I enjoyed learning how to use the gradient tool in grasshopper because it created a beautiful visual effect.

With the definition, I made a vase shape out of two symmetrical lines. I baked the surfaces, mirrored them, and ended up creating a terracotta vessel. As I mirrored the vessel in rhino, I ended up creating a 3D pattern. 

I added a polished copper material  to the forms, which created intricate light patterns.

I changed the skylight and reflection environments to generate new light patterns on the forms. On the above image, I used the "Toronto Downtown" environment. The other environments I used are 
"St. John's NYC," "MET Balcony NYC," "VNA Courtyard," and "Blurred Loft."

Pattern created using a Grasshopper definition


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